Saturday 15th October 2022
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at University of Western Australia

The Art Upmarket is about connecting art enthusiasts with WA artists.
The market will bring together over 60 of Perth's most talented artists all under one roof at the University of Western Australia's Winthrop Hall.
You will find paintings, fine art photography, limited edition prints, sculptures, decorative glass and ceramics, illustrations and more...
Parking and entry are free and the venue is easily accessible.
Saturday 15th October 2022
10am - 4pm
University of Western Australia's Winthrop Hall.

Event Retailers
Here are the 67 retailers who appeared at our market on 15th October 2022 at University of Western Australia!
- All
- Art
- Food & Drink
- Homewares
- Other

Martin's Art
Mia San Mia