Discovering Artistry: Larissa Nguyen's Journey to the 2023 Upmarket Art Fair
Perth-based artist Larissa Nguyen is set to make her mark at the 2023 Upmarket Art Fair, to showcase her stunning art and talk about her artistic journey of self-discovery and passion.

Pursuing Art in the Face of Adversity
Larissa's artistic journey began in 2019, reigniting her love for painting as a creative escape from her corporate career. In her youth, pursuing art as a career had been discouraged due to the perceived lack of security, leaving her conflicted about pursuing her love for art and denying her true self. 
In Larissa’s words, "When you don’t practice the things you love, you start forgetting who you are."
However, in 2019, her aunt's request for two large artworks for her new home provided the catalyst for Larissa to rediscover her artistic passion.
While Larissa explored other creative avenues, such as running a clothing line and experimenting with floristry, painting remained her true calling. She embraced the idea that it's perfectly acceptable to have multiple interests, as "variety is the spice of life."

Intuitive, Ethereal and Evocative Art
Larissa's artistic process is marked by intuition, minimal planning, and abstraction, allowing the paint to guide her, often resulting in evocative, abstract landscapes and modern minimalist expressions. Her preferred mediums are oils and acrylics, which she layers with texture and gold leaf, creating ethereal and captivating pieces.

The Importance of Artistic Expression
Despite her corporate career, Larissa views her art as essential and balances her passions by dedicating her evenings and weekends to her home studio. She revels in the joy of actively engaging with different interests and interacting with diverse people.

Focusing on the Journey over the Outcome
As a small business owner, Larissa faces challenges like administrative tasks and managing her online presence. However, she's learned the importance of enjoying the journey, not rushing her growth, and finding a balance between business responsibilities and artistic creativity. 

Going Global
Looking ahead, Larissa aspires to sell internationally, participate in exhibitions over East, and collaborate with interior designers and galleries.

Upmarket Art Fair
She anticipates the 2023 Upmarket Art Fair with excitement, appreciating its well-organised and well-marketed platform that connects her art with the right audience. 
"There’s so much variety at Art Upmarket, each person is bound to find art that speaks to them."

Meet Larissa

Don't miss the opportunity to experience Larissa Nguyen's captivating art at the 2023 Upmarket Art Fair, Saturday 14th October 10am to 4pm, where her pieces will transport you to a world of beauty, emotion, and self-discovery.

You can view Larissa’s artworks online at WWW.LNART.STUDIO.

For notification and early access to her upcoming releases, sign up to Larissa Nguyen's newsletter at WWW.LNART.STUDIO/SUBSCRIBE.

You can also follow Larissa on Instagram at WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM/LNART.STUDIO.